
KCA Saturday School

The Kongolese Children’s Association Supplementary School offer out-of-school hours educational opportunities for children and young people from minority ethnic communities, especially those from the former Kongo Kinngdom ( DRC, Congo Braza, Angola).

What do we offer

We offer after-school and weekend’s classes for children and young people ( aged 6 to 16 years old) We offer a range of learning activities: - National Curriculum Subjects ( English, Maths and Science) - Mother-tongue classes ( Lingala & French) - Cultural classes - Outing and Leisure activities

What are our Strengths

- We have strong links and work in partnership with most of the mainstreams schools attend by our Children and Young people. - We have different approaches to learning and take into consideration the cultural & social background of our children and young people. - Most of the parents are more engaged and involved in the school than they are in mainstream schools - Students are more open to us and are engaged in their learning experiences and activities outside the school - We have a high skilled, committed and enthusiastic volunteers - We have reports from schools, parents, children & young people demonstrating the positives impacts of our work.

Who we help

We mainly support children and young people from the Black Africanan Community in London. Currently, we are directly supporting 82 children and young people in London and approximately 500 young people benefit indirectly of our services. We also support families as well as young and lone parents accross the country.

We also support families as well as young and lone parents accross the country.