Parents-schools Liaison Project

The project aims to facilitate liaisons between parents and the main stream schools; it also helps parents to partake in their children’s learning experience and encourage communication as well as assisting schools and parents in discussions on matters of attendance and underachievement, antisocial behaviours problems, and to mediate for many more problems linked to cultural issues and misunderstandings.  Thus, parents are empowered to take an active role in their child’s educational and behavioural development in school and at home.


With a bank of mentors, mostly university graduate and young professionals ; you can trust to have a neutral mediator between the teachers and yourself.


Our Mediators will work with yourself ( parents), the school and the child or children to ensure that the child or children can learn and flourish; empower parents with no or little English to take an active role in their child’s educational, social, cognitive, and behavioural development — to help tackle underachievement, antisocial behavior problems and to mediate for many more problems link to cultural issues.